Betta fish are my brand new best buddies. A lot of working adults, young or aged, have no time to enjoy themselves. This shouldn't surprise us much though, given how the economy is these days. The more work you do, the harder it is to enjoy your life. Numerous  people visit the beach to unwind. In my case, my preference is to breed betta fish.
 These beautiful fish serve as a fantastic brand new decoration for my completely new home. I tried to pick out a rug and a couple of good pictures to start but they just weren't right for me. Instead what I decided on, was a betta fish aquarium. Of course, an aquarium is no good without fish and that’s also when I decided to try my hand at betta fish care.    
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 A Tiny Introduction To Betta
 These fish belong to a species of fish which are reasonably little, roughly a couple of inches long. Other than their colors, these fish are also beautifully shaped, thus distinguishing them from other fish. A pet store with a great array of fish will offer them for sale at a quite low cost. Even though they're fondly called betta there are lots of various species; the most famous of that are the betta splendens or the fighting fish.
 True to their name, these creatures might be beautiful but they like to fight. The advantage of breeding these fish is that they're actually plenty of fun to have a look at. Lots  of individuals look at fish as the much more peaceful pet in the animal kingdom. That is inaccurate when it comes to these fish though. The fish themselves may look quite meek, but you will be in a position to see that they definitely are not.
 Betta Fish Care - Useful Recommendations
 As far as betta care will go, just like other animals, you have to pay cautious and close attention to their food and environment.  These fighting fish wish to feast on mosquito larvae, although they will also feed on bloodworms and also brine shrimp too. Even in the event you cannot find the exotic stuff, commercial fish pellets make it easy to maintain your fish well fed.
 Although the urge to save some money might push you to put plenty of males in one betta fish aquarium, you must decide against it. If you would like to end up with just one live fish, then that's the only reason you are going to do this. In case you were considering breeding the fish, you must certainly put a female in the tank, but take them out immediately too. You must also make sure the female is moved once the process is done. As far as the aquarium goes, you don't have to worry about much, except making sure there's a hiding place for your fish and of course ensuring there's lots of space.
 Choosing to raise fighting wish is an excellent method to have a bit of fun. Betta care is a lot more that just a chore, it is actually a great method to have some fun. Definitely give it a try.

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